Will Our Existing Radios Work With New Ones

Your School Already Has Some Walkie Talkies & You Need New Radios  To Work With Them

Walkie talkies can be set to hundreds of different frequencies.

That said, most schools will be using walkie-talkies that are either "PMR446" (licence-free) or that are set to the frequencies assigned to the "Simple UK" OFCOM licence.

If you can find out and tell us what make and model of walkie talkie radios your school currently uses, and also if you can locate and send to us details of what, if any, OFCOM radio licence your school has, this will help us a lot.

Walkie Talkie Programming Software For a PC

Example of PC walkie-talkie programming softwareAll brands of walkie talkie have some PC software that is used to set the frequencies used on each of the radios' channel settings.

We have this software for all of the walkie-talkie radios that we sell.

For some other brands, the PC walkie-talkie programming software is freely available to download from web sites, but some radio makers limit access to their programming sofware to their official walkie-talkie dealers.

How Amherst Can Help Make Sure Walkie Talkies Work Together

Usually, if you send to us one of your existing school walkie talkie radios, then we will be able to ensure that we set any new radios that you want to buy from us so that they will inter-communicate.

Even if we cannot get hold of the programming software for your existing radios, we have some specialist equipment at our office that will generally let us obtain the frequencies etc that your existing walkie-talkies are set to.


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